Stafford & District Snooker League

Administrator - Stewart Fletcher | | 07850004465
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Brian Thomas Grand Masters Cup (50+) - Individual - Best of 3 (Handicapped) | CE Denham Cup - Doubles - 2 Frame Aggregate (No Handicap) | Consolation Team KO | Division One Knockout | Division Two Knockout | Hatfield Cup - Individual - Best of 3 (No Handicap) | Reg Booth Team Knockout - 5 Frame Aggregate (Handicapped) | Roy Goode Secretaries/Captains Cup - Individual - Best of 3 (Handicapped) |

Institute B  - Players | Institute B Fix/Results
Player Wins Losses
Liam Collins 8 4
Jack Pearson 6 8
29  28  22 
Mark Mitchell 6 10
27  24 
Irene Wood 4 8
Robbie Jenkinson 3 5
Darren Meeley 2 10
Chris Gray 2 12
Chris Hughes 0 1