Stafford & District Snooker League

Administrator - Stewart Fletcher | | 07850004465
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Brian Thomas Grand Masters Cup (50+) - Individual - Best of 3 (Handicapped) | CE Denham Cup - Doubles - 2 Frame Aggregate (No Handicap) | Consolation Team KO | Division One Knockout | Division Two Knockout | Hatfield Cup - Individual - Best of 3 (No Handicap) | Reg Booth Team Knockout - 5 Frame Aggregate (Handicapped) | Roy Goode Secretaries/Captains Cup - Individual - Best of 3 (Handicapped) |

Division One Knockout
Ben Tomkinson
Stan Meddings
Ivan Blount
Oliver Kelly
Adam Lennard
Simon Towle
James Towle
Paul Middleton
Craig Smith
Kevin Lennard
Ray Spurway
Jamie Owens
Mick Holmes
Steve Wilson
Dan Lowe
Andy Hill
Kevin Greenwood
Paul Lingard
Dean Johnson
Pete Randall
Gordon Nicholson
Steve Hicks
Dan Scott
Reg Harris
Adrian Hughes
Andy Crossley
Bob Johnson
Dan Bott
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player
On 20 February 2019
Simon Towle
(Cons A)
W - L
Adrian Hughes
(Perkins A)