Preston & District Veterans Snooker League

Administrator - Mick Wignall | | 07980296350
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Chairman's Shield | 'Richard Smith' K.O. Trophy |

1. The League will be known as The Preston & District Veterans Snooker League.

2. The affairs of the League will be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of Chairman, Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, Fixtures Secretary, and two committee members all of whom will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the League. The said committee shall be empowered to deal with any matters arising which are not specifically provided for in the League rules.

3. Teams joining the League must have two full sized tables and must be situated within a reasonable travelling distance of Preston City centre, acceptable to the committee and member clubs.

4. Players eligible to play must be:
(i) 60yrs of age or over;
(ii) 59yrs of age providing their 6oth birthday falls on a date during the current season;
(iii) Must be a fully paid-up member of the club for which they play.

5. League subscriptions will be fixed annually by the member clubs at the A.G.M.

6. (1) Teams will consist of 6 players and matches will be six one frame games; the home team will provide the referees and the away team the markers; the home team will be marked as ‘Top’ and the away team as ‘Bottom’;
(ii) In League and Divisional Cup games each winning player received one point and an additional point will be awarded to the team with the highest total aggregate score. If scores are level at the end of a frame the black-ball will be re-spotted. If at the end of 6 frames the teams are level on aggregate the two captains will each nominate a player to play the re-spotted black to decide the aggregate winner;
(iii) In the ‘ Richard Smith ‘ Knock-out cup matches only the players’ frame scores count, no points are awarded. Any tied individual frame scores will stand and, even total aggregate scores for a leg will stand as ties. Only in the event of the final total aggregate score being tied will the two captains each nominate a player to play a re-spotted black to decide which team wins.
Any structural changed, or handicapping revision, of any League competitions shall only be approved at an Annual General Meeting.

7. Matches will normally be played on Wednesday afternoons commencing at 1pm prompt.

8. The home captain nominates his first two players and the away captain matches them up. When these games are completed the home captain nominates the next two- and so on. A team must be able to put two players to the table at the official starting time and a further two as each pair of frames is completed, otherwise the offending team will forfeit one win and 60 points. (In K.O. Cup games 60 points only).

8.1 The PDVSL does not play the foul and a miss rule.

9. Each team will have one vote at the Annual General Meeting.

10. To be successful, any proposition to alter the constitution of the League/Rules must be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, at least 14 days before the meeting. It must then receive a two-thirds majority of eligible voting delegates at any A.G.M.

11. Tea and biscuits will be provided by the home team, normally following the fourth frame.

12. No player may play for more than one team in any season.
except where a players existing team or club withdraws from the P&DVSL. Any requests for transfer must be made before 31st December of the current season and approved by the committee.

13. The home captain will submit the match result to the Fixtures Secretary as soon as possible after the match.

14. Names of players to be registered and subscriptions handed in, at a special Registration Meeting, held prior to the start of the season. No additional players may be registered after the 1st January except under circumstances approved by Committee