Plymouth Billiards League |
Administrator - Chris Coumbe | | | ||
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Rules |
CONSTITUTION AND RULES TITLE The League shall be called the PLYMOUTH BILLIARDS LEAGUE (which may include the title of a sponsor agreed by the League Committee). ADMINISTRATION The League shall be governed by a Committee comprising of: Chairman, Vice–Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. All offices shall be available for election each year at the Annual General & Registration Meeting. GENERAL MEETINGS There will be one general meeting each year at which all League players are asked to attend: The meeting shall be called THE ANNUAL GENERAL & REGISTRATION MEETING. This meeting shall be held after the completion of the playing season. The business of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be as follows: To accept the minutes of the last ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. To accept reports from the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. To elect Officers and Committee as required. To discuss the format for the following season. To accept the registrations of teams/players wishing to enter the League for the following season. Entry to the League shall be open to any player, or club (if a team League) where Billiards is played, within Plymouth and adjacent areas. COMMITTEE The Committee will be responsible to the League members for the efficient management of the business of the League. They are empowered to make such decisions as are required to fulfil those responsibilities and all such decisions shall be final and binding. At any meetings the Chairman shall be allowed a vote on all motions proposed. Should any such motion result in a tied vote, the Chairman will also be allowed a casting vote. Life Members attending meetings are eligible to vote on any matter discussed at that meeting. The League Secretary may call a meeting of the Committee at any time to discuss any urgent matter pertaining to League business. The Secretary should endeavour to give at latest 48 hours’ notice of any such meeting. Any member of the Committee who is made aware of any matter pertaining to the orderly conduct of the League should bring it to the attention of the Secretary as soon as possible. The Committee will be the sole arbiter in any dispute between any League members or any matter arising with the League's business howsoever it may arise. COMPOSITION OF LEAGUE The League shall consist of those teams/players which register at the Annual General & Registration Meeting each year. Trophies will be presented to the Champion(s) and Runner(s)-up. TROPHIES Perpetual trophies, as presented to the successful clubs and individuals, will be retained by that club or individual until the date for return as directed by the League Committee. They are to be cleaned and returned by the due date. Individuals or clubs holding perpetual trophies are responsible for their safe keeping. FINANCE The elected Treasurer shall have control over all financial matters and will keep the Committee informed as to the financial standing of the League at each meeting. The Treasurer shall present a reconciled balance sheet as and when required by the Committee of the League. The Treasurer shall give guidance and make recommendations to the Committee on all aspects of income and expenditure. REGISTRATION FEES Registration fees will be decided annually by the Committee and presented to the Annual General Meeting as a recommendation for acceptance by League members. A player is a member of the League if they are registered with a team and receive a handicap. In the singles League format, the full registration fee is currently £25 per player per season. Alternatively, a £5 affiliate membership fee covers competitions and representative matches but not the two leagues. PLAYING CONDITIONS AND FIXTURES Fixtures will be played on Mondays. Alteration of fixtures are to be allowed under the following: The team/player requesting the alteration must give as much notice as possible to the opposing team/player and League Secretary. The fixture must be played as soon as possible - within 4 weeks of the original date or by the end of the season whichever is soonest. The Secretary is to be informed of the re-arranged date. Where a match is cancelled for any reason both captains/players within 7 DAYS of the original match date must communicate and agree a date on which the match can be played within the 4-week period. Failure to comply with the above can result in points being deducted from both teams/players. Matches to be started at 1900 hours unless by prior agreement. A game may be claimed at 1915 hours for non-appearance and thereafter at 15-minute intervals or 15 minutes after the completion of the last game played. Where a team/player claims a match for any reason, the claim will be investigated by the Committee. Players may be asked to attend a Committee Meeting to present their reasons to enable a fair decision to be reached. In clubs where the table lights are controlled by meters, the HOME side/player must ensure uninterrupted light is available. All games to be played under the control of a referee, their decision is final. Refereeing duties to be shared between players present at the match. The League Committee will be responsible for the provision of referees for the finals of all tournaments. All games are to be played according to the WPBSA Rules of English Billiards. The Baulk-line Crossing Rule will not be applied. The League rules are also to be strictly adhered to. DISPUTE RULE: Any disputes must be notified to the opposing Captain/player and to the Secretary. PENALTIES Penalties may be imposed as follows: Failure to return a Result Card or send full results to the Secretary by the Saturday following the match, the offending team/player may be deducted points. Deliberate misrepresentation of a player. The team/player concerned to forfeit all points gained in the match. Deliberate falsification of a Result Card. BOTH sides/players may forfeit all points gained in the match. Any team fielding a player who has not been registered shall lose the points scored by that player. CLUB AND PLAYER REGISTRATIONS If a team format is used, any club may register more than one team in the League. Each team must have a pool of players registered separately. All League registration fees must be paid within 14 days of the commencement of the season. Further player registrations must be notified to the Secretary and a handicap allocated before the player plays in any competition. ROGER AYERS AND TREVOR DAVIES COMPETITIONS All matches 150-up. Roger Ayers: 1 point per win. Trevor Davies: points as per scoring chart (winner receives 8 points). After each match, adjust your handicap as follows: if you win, reduce your handicap by 5 points for the next match. If you lose, increase your handicap by 5 points for the next match. Handicaps are capped at a maximum of +120 and a minimum of -180. INDIVIDUAL HANDICAP COMPETITION Will be held at the discretion of the Committee and may incur a small additional entry fee. The competition shall be a straight knockout, random draw competition with match durations set by the Committee. Handicaps for each round will be issued by the Committee and these are to be applied at the beginning of the game. Matches must be played on the specified date unless agreed by the Committee. If the match date is to be agreed between the players, within FOUR DAYS of the draw being received, the home player must contact their opponent and give THREE DATES on which the match may be played. Sundays are accepted only by mutual consent. Failure to comply may result in elimination. It is the responsibility of the WINNER to notify the Secretary of the result. Failure to do so by the closing date of the round may result in both players being eliminated. Players who for any reason have not played their scheduled match in a round should put forward a valid reason by the closing date or they will be eliminated from the competition. SPORTING TROPHIES A Sporting Trophy may be awarded to the TEAM that earns the most sporting points as voted on the Sporting Section on the Result Card. A Sporting Trophy may be awarded to the PLAYER that earns the most sporting points as voted on the Sporting Section on the Result Card. In a team League format, the awarding of sporting points is to be mutually agreed by all members of the home team. CODE OF CONDUCT Players/League members are expected to act with respect/decorum and dignity at all times while engaged in or as a spectator at competitive matches organised, involving or sponsored by the League. Excessive chatter, noise, swearing or movement whilst any player is at the table is not acceptable. Players are not expected to concede a game without good reason. Any incidents reported to the League may lead to deduction of points or exclusion from the League. Players attending representative matches are asked to observe a dress code of ‘Smart Casual’. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Where a player, team, or club have infringed the rules of the League in such a manner that the Committee may require an explanation, the Committee may request the player, team or Captain or any combination of these three to attend a Committee Meeting to explain the infringement. The Committee Meeting to take place before any potential disciplinary action is taken. ANY MATTERS NOT COVERED BY THESE RULES ARE TO BE DECIDED BY THE COMMITTEE |