Thames Valley Snooker League - |
Administrator - Rob Thwaite | | | ||||
League | Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe | |||
Cups | 54's & Over Handicap Singles (Best Of 3) | Handicap Doubles | Premier A Handicap Singles | Premier B Handicap | Prize Money Handicap Singles | Scratch Doubles | Scratch Singles | Team Trophy (Plate) Quarters-Semi's & Final | Team Trophy Quarters-Semi's & Final | | |||
Rules |
5. Conceding (a) A player may only concede when he is the striker; but not just after he has struck a ball. The opponent has the right to accept or refuse the concession, which becomes null and void if the opponent chooses to play on b) When aggregate scores apply and a frame is conceded, the value of any balls remaining on the table is added to the score of the other side. In such case, Reds shall count as eight points each and any colour as normal. (c) A player shall not concede a frame in any match unless snookers are required. Any breach of this rule shall be regarded as un-gentlemanly conduct by the player concerned WINTER LEAGUE RULES Matches are played over 8 frames with teams consisting of 3 or 4 players playing 1 or 2 frames each. (1 point being scored for each frame won) Teams will be allowed to play with 3 players an un-limited amount of times Matches should not be cancelled due to player shortages. All matches start at 7:30pm, sharp Results Cards – THE HOME CAPTAIN IS TO SELECT THE ORDER OF PLAY FOR THIER TEAM AND WRITE ON THE RESULT CARD AS NORMAL. THE AWAY TEAM NAMES ARE DRAWN. THE FIRST DRAWN PLAYS 1ST THE SECOND DRAWN PLAYS 2ND ETC. IF EITHER TEAM HAVE THREE PLAYERS THE OPPOSITION SHALL DRAW TWO PLAYERS, AT THE START OF THE MATCH, TO PLAY THE REMAINING TWO FRAMES THE HOME TEAM SHALL DECIDE WHICH PLAYERS PLAY ON WHICH TABLE. IF A PLAYER HAS TO PLAY EARLY OR WILL ARRIVE LATE, HIS CAPTAIN SHOULD MAKE THE OPPOSITION AWARE, SO THE DRAW CAN BE ARRANGED TO ACCOMMADATE THIS ALL MATCHES: NO PLAYER SHALL ARRIVE AFTER 9PM WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF THE OPPOSITIONS CAPTAIN If only 2 players are present at 7.30pm they must go on first. The scores for each frame must be entered and any breaks recorded. Breaks 30 & over for minus-handicapped players and breaks 20 & over for other players. It is up to the home team to summit the results. Results must be entered onto the website or emailed / picture text to me by Friday 10pm. Failure to do so will result in a 1 point deduction for the offending team. Rob Thwaite 07801 832792 |