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Topic: The fifth singles !

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Paul Garrard
(Lavenham RBL 'A')

Posted on Friday, September 7, 2007

In the First Division this year we have changed the format so that the fifth match is a singles instead of a doubles.
At our match last night a healthy discussion took place regarding the way that this could benefit those teams with five (or more) players. Any team who 'only' has four players has no option as to who will play the fifth match as one of them will be drawn at random. However teams with five players can determine who plays the fifth match. If that team is playing away they can pre-determine who plays the fifth frame. Therefore I am raising a few points for your consideration.

1. Should a full draw take place for 5 player teams so that the fifth place can not be pre-determined ?
2. Should a draw take place for the first four games, and then another draw, from all five players, for the fifth frame ?
3. Should four player teams be able to nominate their player for the fifth frame as five player teams are able to effectively determine who plays this frame.
4. Presumably the original idea of allowing a fifth player was to give more players a game. Will this go wrong by teams playing their strongest player at number 5 ?

There may be other points or questions that I haven't thought of. Please let me know your thoughts, even second division players, all opinions are welcome. We may need to discuss this area at the next League Committee meeting so the more comments we get the better we know what the players think.

If you haven't registered yet, please do so. Just let Jim Meek know your email and a password and you can join this and any other debates. I look forward to reading your comments.

Tony Simpson
(Melford Working Mens 'A')

Posted on Saturday, September 8, 2007

I though that the five games would all be drawn if there were five players.
If there are only four then the opposing Captain would draw from the four that are there.

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